Investment Portfolio Review

Portfolio Research

It is easy for everyone to say that they want the highest possible return, but simply choosing the asset with the highest "Potential" isn't the answer. The crashes of 1929, 1981, 1987 and the most recent declines of 2000-02, 2008 are examples of times when investing in only stocks with the highest potential return was not the most prudent plan of action. Hence at VA Financial Products Distribution LLP, we go for periodic review under our portfolio review module wherein we suggest the asset allocation to be maintained for your portfolio as well as scheme to scheme recommendation.

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Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the single most important determinant of a person's wealth in the long run. An appropriate asset allocation hence is very critical to be decided and followed. Consider the following facts:

Determinants of Portfolio Performance in long run*

  • 2% - Market Timing
  • 6% - Security Selection
  • Fixed Income Products
  • 92% - Asset Allocation
What our Investment Portfolio Review Includes?
  • Net Asset Report.
  • Current Asset Allocation, Equity & Debt. What is decided and what is actualy.
  • Equity & Debt Micro Review with AMC Exposure & Type of Equity Scheme
  • Performance & Observation on existing investment Portfolio
  • Recommendations & Actions to be taken

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Office No.6, D-Wing, Eco Park
Off.Military rd., Near Vasant Oasis,Marol
Andheri(East), Mumbai-400059.

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706, 7th Floor, Hubtown Solaris,
Professor NS Phadke Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400069.

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